Friday, September 4, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Favorite Game Is . . .

My favorite game is minecraft because it is a way just to let your imagation do what it wants. You can get it on computer x-box and phone/ipod. I like the horses the donkeys and the mules because you can ride them. I also like the wolfs and ocelots because they will automatic follow you around if you have them sitting up. Here is a photo of some thing on minecraft.

Swimming at Jellie Park


On August the 31, Rata and Rimu went to Jellie Park. We went there to do swimming lessons. Last year I was in group 1 and now today I am  in group 3. We are going everyday (apart for the weekend of course) for two weeks. I really like to  do freestyle. In group 3 you have to swim the most. You have to go all the way to the deep end and back.  It's very hard to.